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The ultrasonic machine daily maintenance matters and installation matters needing attention

author:tap:202 Release time:2023-11-18

Ultrasonic machine is the sum of ultrasonic equipment, ultrasonic generator of high-frequency vibration signal through the sensor into high-frequency mechanical vibration spread to the media. What are the routine maintenance and installation precautions for ultrasonic machines? Routine maintenance of ultrasonic machines: 1. Routine maintenance method. To maintain the ventilation, drying and cleaning of the equipment workplace is conducive to the long-term efficient operation of the equipment and to optimize the working environment conditions, cleaning the dirt in the sink and storage tank regularly and keeping the inside and outside of the sink clean can improve the durability of the sink. 2. Regular maintenance. Vents in electrical control boxes and equipment are kept away from water vapor, corrosive gases and dust, and are regularly Compressed air for the removal of dust. Regularly test the insulation performance of equipment, regularly check the aging of electrical components, check the grounding wire, ensure that the equipment is well grounded. The project must be carried out by an electrician with professional experience, regularly testing the power supply to ensure that it meets the power supply voltage requirements of the equipment, and to avoid long-term work under too high or too low unstable power supply.

The ultrasonic machine daily maintenance matters and installation matters needing attention